Friday, December 3, 2010

Stop Legal Abuse of Children and Parents in The United States and Globally

We the American People of the United States and Globally have been LEGALLY ABUSED for too many years by YOU OUR Governments. As Parents we have been Falsely Accused of False Allegations by Our Ex-Spouses. Family Courts have Ignored the TRUE FACTS of Our Cases, so the Family Courts, Judges,Attorneys, CPS and Government Agencies PROFIT for MONEY. While the ABUSED loses their Children, Homes,Employment and become ILL, etc. ON behalf of OUR Children of ALL ages, YOU Our Government have caused them Mental, Emotional, and Drug Abuse do to your LACK of them being Loved , having a Healthy and good educated life with a LOVING UN- ABUSIVE Parent or Parents.
Government Agencies such as CPS, DFCS, etc. have lied in most cases, so Families have lost their Children. These agencies has ABUSED, Murdered children for Lack of HUMAN Dignity.Children are missing through Human Trafficking,Adopted out to other Countries. YOU OUR Government have done NOTHING to HELP Find these MISSING CHILDREN Pedophile rings are involved with these agencies as well......Human Trafficking and Sex Trafficking are a part of YOUR AGENDA. YOU the GOVERNMENT profit approximately $321 Billion in CORRUPTION of OUR Families. The Child Support Agency Profits, where as Parents are given POVERTY Level of Child Support to care for their Children.

1. OUR Constitutional Rights as HUMANS People of the United States and Globally have been VIOLATED. We are denied Due Process of our Constitutional rights in the Family Courts.

2. The United Nations does NOT have a Right to Parent OUR CHILDREN or take AWAY OUR Parental Rights

3. Stop the LEGAL ABUSE of Children and Parents in the United States and Globally.

4. STOP Legal Abuse in the Family Courts for Profit.

5. REFORM the Family Laws, so Parents and Children can be SAVED from the ABUSER, the Parent who Sexually Abuses them, Murdered by a Parent or Step Parent.

6. Good Loving Grandparents are having their Rights taken away too. Children need loving caring grandparents in their lives as well.

7. ABUSERS should be PUNISHED by a JURY...NOT the Family Courts.

8. ABUSERS who Falsely accuse a Parent of ABUSE to a Child should be jailed a minimum of 1 year and has to pay a Hefty fine of $20,000.00.

9. Parent Alienation is a CRIME....Parents have been using this to keep children away from the LOVING Parent. A Crime that needs to be fined of at least $10,000.00 and a year in jail.

10. Child Support and Child Custody should be 50/50 Split.

11. Raise the Legal Age of our children should be 21 or out of College or Graduation of College.

12. Foster Parents should be raising their Foster Children til the age of 21 or out of College or Graduation of College.

13. Stop Human and Sex Trafficking for Profit. Help Find these MISSING or Murdered Children and Teens.

We the American and Global People want Family Laws changed now. We DESERVE it.

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